X-ray and Fluoroscopy
Book NowNuvance Health offers the largest and one of the most advanced imaging centers in the region with a full array of X-ray procedures, and special exams such as studies of the GI tract, kidneys and joints. Board-certified X-ray radiologists* are typically on-site, directing and monitoring procedures. The results of all exams are available and sent to your referring doctor when complete. Urgent and emergency X-ray results are communicated immediately.

What is fluoroscopy?
Fluoroscopy can be compared to an X-ray "movie." It is an imaging technique that sends a continuous X-ray beam through the body part being examined. -
What are X-rays and what do they do?
X-rays are a form of electro-magnetic energy, like light or radio waves, just of a different frequency. X-rays allow a certified technologist to produce ‘pictures’ of internal structures. The radiologist can then view these on a special high-resolution (HD) computer. X-rays provide valuable information about your health and making correct diagnosis. -
Are X-rays safe?Radiation exposure during an X-ray is the equivalent to between a few days and a few years of exposure to natural radiation from the environment, meaning it is fairly low risk. After 100 years of research, it has been impossible to prove that low-dose X-rays, like those used in radiology, causes cancer.
*In the spirit of keeping you well-informed, the physician(s)/individual(s) identified are neither agents nor employees of Nuvance Health or any of its affiliate organizations. These clinicians render services to Nuvance Health patients under an agreement with Nuvance Health. These clinicians retain independent medical judgment for all services rendered.